The average house price on ST LUKES GREEN is £103,608
The most expensive house in the street is 18 ST LUKES GREEN with an estimated value of £135,927
The cheapest house in the street is 68 ST LUKES GREEN with an estimated value of £67,418
The house which was most recently sold was 26 ST LUKES GREEN, this sold on 16 Oct 2020 for £113,000
The postcode for ST LUKES GREEN is LS11 8PF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
18 ST LUKES GREEN Flats/Maisonettes £135,927 £86,000 10 Aug 2007
26 ST LUKES GREEN Terraced £133,540 £113,000 16 Oct 2020
38 ST LUKES GREEN Terraced £71,346 £49,920 7 Sep 2015
40 ST LUKES GREEN Terraced £109,810 £45,500 16 Apr 2003
68 ST LUKES GREEN Terraced £67,418 £16,380 29 Nov 1999